Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to School?

Back to school....back to school...

All of this stuff going on with my sister has made me consider a career change. Do I want to be an RN, or a speech-language pathologist? Do I want to take a bunch of prerequisites (organic Chem has me running scared!) and spend 2 years in school plus a year of interning...?

do I want to let some schooling and fear of being poor get in the way of a career that could be really great for me?

so confusing.

And what the hell am I going to do in the meantime anyhow!? haha

Too much to think about at 8:30 in the morning!


Anonymous said...

Have you considered taking a few RN/Speech Path classes to get a feel of the knowledge? Or, possibly seek out a local Speech Path group to shadow someone.

I used to work for an office that provided Speech Path services and it was interesting to learn all that is involved; but my heart belongs in nursing (one day I'll finish).

Anonymous said...

Hey! Anytime you want to pick my brain about nursing, give me a shout!!! I'll give you the GBU on it!