Friday, June 27, 2008

RIP Tucker

Our mini schnauzer, Tucker, died overnight last night of organ failure. He was only 8 years old and my heart is broken right now. We will miss him dearly.
I love you Tucky, I'll see you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shower me with your love!

So, some of my mom's friends have decided to throw me a wedding shower! Yay! My family is really spread out so I was kind of nervous that I wouldn't have one... which is probably silly but I was kinda sad/worried. So, the big day is July 27! Yay!

So now Steve and I just have to register... easier said than done as our weekends are SUPER busy going forward. We'll get it done tho.

I feel like a shower is going to make it all feel much more real!

I can't believe we're already a few weeks into summer! I'm not traveling at ALL this year but I literally have every weekend planned to some degree between now and Labor Day! Crazy.

Ok, shower then bed. I've been staying up WAAAY to late and I have volleyball tomorrow so I can't be tired!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a Weekend!

This weekend was fantastic.

Saturday started with highlights and a fantastic blowout for some big and sexy hair, then I had my make-up done at M.A.C. and looked hottie hot hot. Then I met up with Leah and had a few photos taken for fun. Then Katy, Leah, my friend Holly and I all went to dinner at Kamehachi in Old Town. Leah and Katy were very brave and tried Japanese food. Leah even tried some of my California Roll!

It was so nice to meet Leah in person and to hang out with Katy as well, even tho we all had headaches. haha. We took some hilarious pictures with Photobooth and I hope she'll post them. 

Today I woke up to a thunderstorm and have been just hanging with Steve. Later tonight we'll be heading to the burbs to have dinner with his parents for Father's Day. True to boy form it's 12:30 and he's just now calling his parents to set it up. Men. :)

In wedding related news, I think we found our invitations! AND 5 months until the wedding!! Whoo hoo! 

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Honest To Blog!

I didn't even like Juno that much but what a cute name for a blog (if I do say so myself)!

I haven't regularly blogged in about 3 years but I want to start again so here goes nothing. :)


Steve and I just spent the weekend in Detroit with his brother and sister in law and their beautiful baby niece, Olivia. Now, I've had babies on the brain for the past few months so it was awesome to spend some time with the baby. Over the 24 hours we were there I went through the entire range of emotions of feeling like there is NO WAY I'll be able to handle a baby to wanting to get pregnant tomorrow so I can get a jump on this baby thing! haha

I asked my future sister in law when she thinks I should have kids, and she said, "Whenever you're ready" and that's the BEST answer I've ever gotten to that question! Much better than suggestions of a certain amount of time or when a certain status is attained. 

Are you there God? It's Me, Morgan

Over the course of this weekend I attended a Catholic mass (Friday wedding) and a Presbyterian church service (with Steve's Bro and SIL) and that was definitely the most church I've had in a LONG time!

**Back story** in high school and at the beginning of college I was ...very Christian. I have since fallen away from those beliefs but my time with the church is a big part of who I am today. 

Driving back from Detroit, Steve and I started talking about what we believe in. We're pretty much on the same page with our beliefs even though he was raised in a different religion. Since we're thinking so much about having children, we're also thinking about how we plan to raise these children.

Long story short, we talked a LOT about the Unitarian Universalist Church and I've decided that if/when I ever start going to church again, this is where I'd like to go. I feel very in line with their principles and their openness.

The Principles are as follows:

"We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote
The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all;
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part."[7]

Various children's versions exist, such as:

(Sung to the tune of Do-Re-Mi)
ONE — Each person is important
TWO — Be kind in all you do
THREE — We're free to learn together
FOUR — And search for what is true
FIVE — All people need a vote
SIX — Build a fair and peaceful world
SEVEN — We care for Earth's lifeboat
That will bring us back to me and UU... (repeat) 

I'm sorry, is that not the BEST song ever? haha

For more information I strongly suggest reading the articles on Wikipedia about Unitarian beliefs and about the Unitarian Universalist Church.

I may have found my church! Crazy!

New iPhone!

Finally, as some of you know, I'm a huge Apple/Mac nerd. I have an iPhone, Macbook (at home) and an iMac at work. My life is seamlessly integrated between the 3 :)

I was reading the live updates from the keynote speech for the web developers conference and they released the 3G iPhone! Sounds fun! And I've already had someone offer to buy my old one :) 

For more info check out

That's all for now!