Friday, September 5, 2008


It's allergy season again! I haven't been able to breathe, taste or sleep for the past few days but this happens every September like clock work. Hope you all are suffering less than I am! I don't know where the summer went! If time keeps going this quickly I'm going to be married 10 minutes from now, have 3 kids in an hour and I'll wake up tomorrow morning an old lady! (SLOW DOWN, TIME!!) :)

Only a little more than 2 months until I leave for Mexico and get MARRIED! I still have a lot to day and the 2 month mark is looking really scary right now! Everything will be fine though. We just need to get on top of the things that will take a while to process. I'm trying not to let it stress me out.

It's election time again and I think I'm more interested in this election than any prior election. To my credit though, I was out of the country the year of the last election. I actually remember saying I would not return to the USA if Bush was re-elected. Guess I ate my words on that one! I will be so upset if we get 4 more years of a Republican in the White House. (vomit)

I only have one thing planned this weekend, my FSIL's birthday party tomorrow night. I'm excited to have a low key weekend and to CLEAN my apartment and put away all of the wedding presents we got last week. I'm so thankful for the gifts but I don't know where to put everything!

Hope all is well in blog land!

Please feel free to check my PHOTO BLOG


Jessica O. said...

Two more months?! Aww, how exciting. It'll be perfect. It's normal to freak out about how fast time is going when you get this close, but things always seem to fall into place.

And, OMG, I totally know what you mean about the allergies. Mine are horrid. I can't wait for a change in the seasons.

(PS. Thanks for asking about Aiden. I'll post some updates soon!)

Christy said...

Don't ever move to Houston--worst allergy city! I can't wait to move back to SoCal. :)