Monday, August 11, 2008

The Oldest People at DMB

Saturday night was the long awaited Dave Matthews Band concert at Alpine Valley. Wow, what a great show! I'm not sure what was more fun, the actual concert or the people watching while we were tailgating.

We arrived at Alpine Valley around 3:30 and since we had 5 people we ended up in the carpool lane and got primo parking. (bonus!) Now, we knew we were a little older than the majority of this audience would be but being surrounded by 19 year olds with seemingly unlimited access to booze was an experience I wasn't entirely prepared for!

The girls wore teeny tiny cut off jean shorts and ribbed tanks from old navy. Brian said, "It looks like they are all going to go work at the same bar later". Their hair was in purposefully messy ponytails and some had it partially french braided before it got to the pony tail. 
The boys were in cargo shorts (will those things EVER go out of style?) and polos or logo T's. Some of the more "yachtty" (personal favorite word from college) boys embraced the patchwork plaid shorts that are so popular this season. However, any TRUE East Coaster knows that the same pattern has been popular amongst sailing enthusiast for years.

The collars were popped, the beer was flowing, we were ready for DMB.

Possibly, my best stories of the night came from standing in line for the port-o-potties.

My first trip to the potties was more pre-emptive than anything else. I knew the lines were long and I didn't want to wait until I was going to burst. So I grabbed a fresh beer and some extra TP and got in line. 
Standing in front of me were two of the girls in the "Ribbed Tank Top Brigade" who were tailgating at the car next to me. Ever the chatty one, I started up a conversation and asked how old they were. I had guessed 19 and I was right. Then, just for kicks, I asked them how old they thought I was. I couldn't wait to hear their responses. 
One girl looked me up and down carefully and guessed, "21", I laughed. The other girl made a face that could only say, "no WAY she's 21" and then guessed that I was at LEAST 22 or 23. :) haha
I told them I was 27 and they were more than a little surprised.
Under any other circumstances I think I'd be a little offended if someone thought I was 21 but at DMB I thought it was fun that they saw me as a peer. Or at least someone close enough in age to be in school with them. 

The next trip to the bathroom was totally different. I was standing in line with a 35 y/o woman who was encouraging all the girls in line to unbuckle their shorts while in line so we could pee faster once we got inside the potty. 
While waiting in line she turned around and saw me and said "You Skinny Bitch!!" and started laughing hysterically. I looked her up and down and pointed out that we, essentially, have the same physique completely. We were the same height, approximately the same weight and girth so it was kind of odd to me that she was calling me a skinny bitch! 
When I pointed this out she said, "Yeah, but I have had 3 kids!" and I said, "That makes it even MORE amazing that you're in this shape" and she said, "Well, I'm kind of a professional athlete". It came out later that she plays broom ball competitively. (google it, you will laugh out loud) And broom ball apparently keeps her in such good condition.
this lady also followed me from the potties and appeared later at our van to meet Steve. It was bizarre but hilarious.

The concert itself was great. My favorite part was Ant Marching but there were many other high points as well. The concert was definitely worth the trip up to Wisconsin!

1 comment:

Holly Dee said...

I'm just happy you didn't show the pictures of the mobile-johns.