Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bachelorette Party

I'm a bad blogger!! I read a friend's blog last night and she updates it almost daily, AND she has 2 kids under the age of 2. If she can do it, so can I. haha

Saturday night was my bachelorette party. Kelly (Best Friend), Abby (Sister In Law) and Torey (Sister) planned the whole thing and kept it a surprise from me.

We started the afternoon by going out on Abby and Mason's boat on Lake Michigan. We had cheese and crackers and fruit and had a fun time hanging out just girls (my mom was there as well as my other bridesmaid Callie). Kelly got a little seasick (ok, a lot seasick) but besides that, it was great!

After the boat we went back to my place to get ready to go out. 

Katy and Dannie met up at my place and then we all went to dinner at Blue Agave, a great Mexican restaurant, and met up with all the girls there. After dinner Kelly distributed the fabulous black crowns with my pictures on them, along with 'challenges' for each girl at the party. My sister's challenge was to find someone who speaks spanish and have them introduce themselves and tell me to have fun in Mexico. Another girl's challenge was to find a guy named Steve. etc etc. That was really fun. :)

We had a bit of time to kill before the main event so we went over to my favorite late night dance party spot, The Hangge Uppe, and prepaid our $5 cover charge so we could skip the line later. BEST IDEA EVER!!

While we were outside the Hangge Uppe, a trolly full of men in t-shirts with tuxedos on them pulled up out front. Immediately we started joking that we should commandeer the trolly to get to the next spot. Oddly enough, Abby knew someone on the trolly and convinced them to let us 'borrow' it for 30 minutes!

The guys on the trolly were doing upside down margaritas off the side so I took part in those festivities :) I love me some upside down margaritas!

While I was letting strangers pour alcohol into my mouth my purse came open and my camera fell out (my point and shoot, not my XSi :) ). Well, when I looked around I couldn't find it and we had to get moving on the trolly so I resigned myself to the fact that it was gone forever, a sacrifice to the bachelorette party gods. I was upset but wasn't about to let it ruin my night.

As we drove away we noticed one of the tuxedo shirt guys running up to the trolly, holding my camera!! The day was saved! I even gave him a kiss on the cheek and he said "Make sure he makes you laugh, every day, don't forget!" haha.

Turns out the camera was totally broken but I was still glad to have it back for the memory card!

The trolly took us down to the main event, the Baton Lounge. I'll let the link do the talking: 

The show was fantastic. I love me some good female impersonation! I think everyone had a blast. I'd definitely recommend the Baton Lounge over the Kit Kat Lounge in boys town. I've been there twice and really liked the Baton Lounge better. We were wading in a sea of bachelorette parties, it was perfect.

After the show Abby managed to find an empty limo and she negotiated with him to take us back up to the Hangge Uppe to dance our pants off. :) A lot of girls left after the Baton Lounge but about 12 of us went out dancing. 

Oooooh the Hangge Uppe, I could never go there sober but that was not a problem :) It's our favorite late night dancing spot. 
When we arrived, the tuxedo shirt guys were still there, and WAAAASTED! We were fast friends. That part of the evening is kind of a blur but we drank and danced and drank some more!

My sister was in town just for the weekend before going to Ireland for a month, and her boyfriend was with her. We ended up calling the boys (not my finace tho, which is good, I didn't want him to crash :) ) and they met us at the bar. So it was my brother, Torey's boyfriend Dan and some of my brother's friends. It was really fun to see them.

All told, I couldn't have asked for a better night. No one drank way too much, no one got sick, no one was too hungover the next day, it was awesome to have so many people who care about me in the same place! 

So, I say, Bring on the Wedding!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


It's allergy season again! I haven't been able to breathe, taste or sleep for the past few days but this happens every September like clock work. Hope you all are suffering less than I am! I don't know where the summer went! If time keeps going this quickly I'm going to be married 10 minutes from now, have 3 kids in an hour and I'll wake up tomorrow morning an old lady! (SLOW DOWN, TIME!!) :)

Only a little more than 2 months until I leave for Mexico and get MARRIED! I still have a lot to day and the 2 month mark is looking really scary right now! Everything will be fine though. We just need to get on top of the things that will take a while to process. I'm trying not to let it stress me out.

It's election time again and I think I'm more interested in this election than any prior election. To my credit though, I was out of the country the year of the last election. I actually remember saying I would not return to the USA if Bush was re-elected. Guess I ate my words on that one! I will be so upset if we get 4 more years of a Republican in the White House. (vomit)

I only have one thing planned this weekend, my FSIL's birthday party tomorrow night. I'm excited to have a low key weekend and to CLEAN my apartment and put away all of the wedding presents we got last week. I'm so thankful for the gifts but I don't know where to put everything!

Hope all is well in blog land!

Please feel free to check my PHOTO BLOG